Examine the contributing processes and procedures in identifying a health care quality indicator and come up with proposed strategies in improving specific related patient outcomes.
-Select a quality indicator (QI) and its relationship to at least one of the National Patient Safety Goals from (https://www.jointcommission.org/standards/national-patient-safety-goals/)
-Gather data to support the indicator both internal (clinical facility data/reports) and external (research articles, best practices and practice guidelines).
-Implement a plan of the Quality Indicator project describing the teaching strategy and anticipated facilitators and possible barriers.
-Evaluate the success of the Quality Indicator project and recommendations for future Quality Indicators related to the selected quality indicator.
Required Text:
-Yoder-Wise, P. (2019). Leading and managing in nursing. (7th ed.). Elsevier. Please use apa 7 format and American sources no later than 5 years
Supplemental readings:
-QSEN competencies at qsen.org
-Press Ganey. (2016). 2016 Nursing Special Report: The role of workplace safety and surveillance capacity in driving nurse and patient outcomes.
-Kutney-Lee A., et al., (2016). Nurse engagement in shared governance and patient and nurse outcomes. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 46(11), 605–612.
-Topaz, M., & Pruinelli, L. (2017). Big data and nursing: Implications for the future. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 232, 165–171.