Instructions: Develop a paper (on an MS Word Doc) in the APA Format that is at least two full and no more than four full double-spaced pages – not including your Cover Page and Reference Page. You do not need to include an Abstract page. You need to provide at least three references and you may use the course text as one of your references.
For assistance with APA format, see the Purdue Online Writing Lab and/or the Student Success Center.
When pharmaceutical companies market to customers they must take the time to consider who influences the customer’s decision making. There are many social influences as well as psychological variables that dictate a patient’s course of action for an illness. Some patients may choose not to get treatment, other patients may ask their doctor for a particular brand name drug because someone they know had success when taking it.
Assuming the perspective of the patient, write about the social and psychological variables that will influence a patient when deciding on a treatment/medication. You need to identify a minimum of 5 social and psychological variables (combined total) that would influence a patient. After you have identified the different variables / influencers, discuss who you think pharmaceutical companies should market to.
For grading expectations please view the rubric.
Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.
This assignment will be processed through Turnitin. Please watch this video on how to review your submission: Checking an assignment in Turnitin (Links to an external site.). You can re-submit your assignment up to two more times for immediate processing after your first submission.
Due: by 11:59 pm EST on Sunday of Week 5.
Consumer Behavior Assignment Rubric
Consumer Behavior Assignment Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
20 to >18.4 pts
The topic addresses the assignment, is substantive, and well-formulated
18.4 to >16.6 pts
The topic is clear and addresses the assignment
16.6 to >14.0 pts
The topic is clearly stated but the body is not well-formulated
14 to >0 pts
The topic is not well-formulated
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupporting Information
20 to >18.4 pts
Supporting information and detail are used effectively to support the topic
18.4 to >16.6 pts
Supporting information and details are explained sufficiently
16.6 to >14.0 pts
There is some supporting detail, not enough to support argument
14 to >0 pts
There is a lack of supporting information and detail
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSocial and Psychological Variables and Influencers
20 to >18.4 pts
The identified influencers are particularly well-suited to the topic
18.4 to >16.6 pts
The influencers is appropriate to the topic
16.6 to >14.0 pts
There is evidence of some influencers, but is not consistent throughout the paper
14 to >0 pts
The influencers selected does not fit the context, or is a poor selection given the context
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and references
20 to >18.4 pts
The presentation exhibits skilled use of grammatical elements. Work displays skilled use of APA citation method
18.4 to >16.6 pts
Presentation meets basic requirements of college-level writing. Work includes references, but there are problems with APA method
16.6 to >14.0 pts
There is some evidence of college-level writing but needs work. There are some references/citations but no clear citation methods
14 to >0 pts
Presentation is not appropriate to college-level. Work displays no references
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePreparation and Ongoing Development
20 to >18.4 pts
Paper demonstrates that there was thorough preparation. The paper was well-designed and executed
18.4 to >16.6 pts
Paper demonstrates that there was sufficient preparation for adequate delivery. Mechanics were sound
16.6 to >14.0 pts
There is some evidence of preparation but there are problems with mechanics
14 to >0 pts
Paper demonstrates a lack of preparation. Mechanics were poor
20 pts
Total Points: 100